ESG / Responsible Investments

Brian Murphy, Managing Director

Brian Murphy image

“Long term value creation and responsible investing are not mutually exclusive, but rather complement each other. Portfolio Advisors is committed to incorporating ESG factors throughout our investment process and within our firm. We continuously strive to further improve the integration of these ESG factors.”

ESG at Portfolio Advisors

Environmental, social and governance (“ESG”) has long played an integral role in Portfolio Advisors’ history and mission. Portfolio Advisors’ early application of responsible investing included integrating client-specific ESG considerations into clients’ portfolios. Portfolio Advisors took the next step on its ESG path and became a UN PRI signatory in 2015. Since becoming a signatory, Portfolio Advisors has adopted an ESG Policy and has established a standing ESG Committee. The firm engages with the broader investment community to promote a responsible investment approach and strives to further align our investment activities with ESG relevant factors.

ESG Committee

Portfolio Advisors’ ESG Committee draws together professionals from across the firm’s investment and operational groups. The ESG Committee monitors ESG trends relevant to private markets and develops standards that guide the implementation of ESG factors throughout the investment process. The ESG Committee is also responsible for educating internal stakeholders on ESG matters.

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